Haname Toki

Guild Hunter, Mercenary, Wanderer


Name: Haname Toki
Age: 28
Race: Au Ra - Raen
Origin: Yanxia
Occupation: Wanderer, beast and guild hunter, former information broker
Orientation: Heteroflexible
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
A slight and petite young beauty, Haname exudes the air of a spoiled, haughty Yanxian noble. Her bright hair, golden eyes, opalescent scales, and delicate features are contrasted by her distant nature and propensity for being too sharp of tongue. She keeps herself garbed in Hingan finery in traditional colors when she can, never opting for something poorly made. Indeed, her appearance is one of the things of the utmost importance to her, keeping herself well groomed, well dressed, and well equipped for whatever scenario she is prepared for.Despite her sunny appearance, Haname is not always a warm soul. Her demeanor shifts back and forth, adapting to what the situation calls for. She can charm, she can threaten, she can insult all in the span of an evening. Even at ease, she shifts her personality to what suits her at the time, though, most often than not, she tends to push others away. It is a difficult thing to tell if it is out of selfishness or self preservation, as she never lingers for long with a stranger. Indeed, her priority lays with herself, needing to be sure she is safe and comfortable, even if she has to step on others to do so. She is a difficult woman to read, rarely, if ever, opening herself up to do so.Perhaps even she no longer knows what lays beneath in her heart.


Extroverted / Introverted / In Between
Disorganized / Organized / In Between
Close minded / Open-minded / In between
Calm / Anxious / In Between
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In Between
Cautious / Reckless / In Between
Patient / Impatient / In Between
Outspoken / Reserved / In Between
Leader / Follower / In Between
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In Between
Optimistic / Pessimistic / In Between
Traditional / Modern / In Between
Hard-Working / Lazy / In Between.
Cultured / Uncultured / In Between.
Loyal / Disloyal / In Between
Faithful / Unfaithful / In Between
SMOKING HABIT: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess
DRUGS: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess.
ALCOHOL: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess


Fellow Garlean Agents in Eorzea- Haname has worked with a network of other Imperial spies in the past, or soldiers who used to operate in Eorzea. It is possible that they had worked before with each other in the past.Garlean Refugees- The Final Days were a nightmarish ordeal for Imperial soldiers and civilians alike. Perhaps they were both present in the Capital, or were forced to fight alongside each other.Mercenaries Operating in Eorzea- Haname has recently been taking mercenary contracts to make ends meet. A fellow mercenary may have seen her competing for a job, or may want to team up for one.Barflies- Haname may be struggling for coin, but that doesn't mean she won't drop into a tavern for a few drinks here and there.Yanxian Nobility- Haname comes from a defunct noble bloodline from the Eastern mountains of Yanxia. She met many other nobles when she was young, and often charmed them with song when they stayed as guests.


About the player:
I am a US based East Coast RPer who has been RPing for longer than I want to say (because that makes me feel old). I love to world build, and be sucked into the worlds that other players create as well. At the moment, my main method of RP is on discord. My availability can be sometimes sporadic between work, life, raids, RP, so that's what's easiest for me.
What I am looking for:
21+ Roleplayers - I'm older, relaxed, easy-going, and I like my RP friends to be the same. In addition, I shy away from players who aren't good at separating IC from OOC or RP with characters who seem to be self-inserts.
Grammatical Awareness - I am a terrible grammar nazi. I'm sorry. I'm not going to nitpick over a misspelled word here or there, but if there are consistent, glaring errors, it breaks a lot of immersion for me. I put a lot of effort into my writing, and it is nice when others do the same.
Dark/Story-based/Conflict RP: Slice of life is nice occasionally, but I really enjoy darker themes. Drama, conflict, sexy drama or conflict, I love. Bring it on.
Adult Themes?
Sure, though I prefer it to be a natural, story-based progression into any kind of adult scenarios. Also, I will only RP those themes with roleplayers who are 21+.
I won't play:
Suicide plots. Miscarriage / maternal death plots. They're not for me. Those are about my only hard-no's, however. I don't shy away from character death if it is a logical outcome and not a product of godmodding.